
Collection of simple helper functions that abstract some specifics or the raw API.

Bulk helpers

There are several helpers for the bulk API since it’s requirement for specific formatting and other considerations can make it cumbersome if used directly.

All bulk helpers accept an instance of Elasticsearch class and an iterable actions (any iterable, can also be a generator, which is ideal in most cases since it will allow you to index large datasets without the need of loading them into memory).

The items in the action iterable should be the documents we wish to index in several formats. The most common one is the same as returned by search(), for example:

    '_index': 'index-name',
    '_type': 'document',
    '_id': 42,
    '_parent': 5,
    '_ttl': '1d',
    '_source': {
        "title": "Hello World!",
        "body": "..."

Alternatively, if _source is not present, it will pop all metadata fields from the doc and use the rest as the document data:

    "_id": 42,
    "_parent": 5,
    "title": "Hello World!",
    "body": "..."

The bulk() api accepts index, create, delete, and update actions. Use the _op_type field to specify an action (_op_type defaults to index):

    '_op_type': 'delete',
    '_index': 'index-name',
    '_type': 'document',
    '_id': 42,
    '_op_type': 'update',
    '_index': 'index-name',
    '_type': 'document',
    '_id': 42,
    'doc': {'question': 'The life, universe and everything.'}


When reading raw json strings from a file, you can also pass them in directly (without decoding to dicts first). In that case, however, you lose the ability to specify anything (index, type, even id) on a per-record basis, all documents will just be sent to elasticsearch to be indexed as-is.

